Thursday, July 21, 2011

How many of you out there are pain patients? And how many are decriminated against for it.?

As I AM a pain patient for 22 years, I am deeply involved in eliminating the stigma that comes with the use of opiate pain meds. I have had to learn on my own, pharmacology, and have learned how the medical system works, good and bad. I have seen much suffering, much ignorance, and have a deep understanding of the issues that affect those of us who have severe chronic pain. I am attempting to be selfless, and very honest on this matter. Do not give up hope, I myself am very tired of having to bury friends who have been driven to suiced. There IS a way, there IS an answer. BUT, let me say if one decides to use opite pain killers, there is a high price to pay, both socially and mentally, temendous inner strenght is needed. When they say to you, " be a man, you can take it" trust me, when one is in severe pain, he will do anything to stop the pain. Tough has nothing to do with it. From MY experience, having many bad wrecks on harleys, working 40 years of my life, my body has been abused, and now, I am paying for it. Compassdion is needed, anyone who needs help. i will try, just know , i will answer no questions from those who seek pain meds for recreation.That has caused those of us who NEED the medicines, to be desriminated against. There ARE laws concerning the proper dignified treatment of patients who need pain relief, and there are many sides to this topic. And a battle is going on in this country right now, to eliminate ignorance, and desrimination.My advice to all, is is you are young, and have back pain, try EVERYTHING else before you decide to take opiate pain meds, it is a life sentence, once one reaches high doses, ones chemistry is changed. There are responsible ways to use pain meds, and they are not written down in the PDR, they are learned, the hard way. Good repore with your doctor is key, and great patience, and honesty. Yes, as many of you know, major sectors of the medical community are in turmoil, resulting in less than adequte care for most all. We cannot blame the medical community as a whole, freedom requires a doctor has a choice to treat or not ttreat a patient[but there ARE leagl quidelines]. I can say ,with all truthfullness, being a pain patient is a very humbling situation. You will run into obsticals and situations you never dreamed of, and you along the way, if you live, will dsicover much about the human condition. As for myself, without bragging or any ego involved, I have found I have more experience than some doctors.This is why they call it "the medical practice" Use caution, if possble, in choosing a doctor in these days we live in, it can mean your life. Always remember, your doctor must trust you, more than you trust him, as many doctors are now putting thier jobs on the line, to help people with severe pain, to betray that trust, will result in a total loss of medical care.. No, its not right, but, it IS reality. In my case, my condition has been proved many times over, but for some, the pain cannot be seen, so it can be difficult. yes the line between dependence and addiction is thin. Its very simple, opite pain meds, once a person has taken them for years, will render the patient physically dependent, and the withdraws are as close to death many will ever feel, and not die. Those of us who are older, well, we dont care, we will be gone soon, and we just want to live our last days pain free. pain destroys ones life, ones quality of life to say the least. and pain pills are not to be taken lightly, and the patient MUST know how to use them, and no, its not on the bottle most times.Titration is one key, in the use of pain meds, to avoid tolerance. anyway, perhaps i can help someone out there.

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